The MLTC Bioenergy Centre is a combined heat and power, carbon-neutral, energy system consisting of a 6.6 MW (net) power generation system while also providing process heat for kiln-drying NorSask’s lumber. The facility is fueled by residual woody biomass generated by the NorSask sawmill. The carbon-neutral plant is capable of producing 55,000 mw-hrs per year to the SaskPower grid – enough to power 5,000 homes.

The Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan contributed $52.5 million to this project through the Green Infrastructure Stream of the Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Bilateral Agreement under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. The Meadow Lake Tribal Council contributed the balance of the required $110 million capital cost through a combination of financing and owner’s equity.

The Project Outcomes

The Bioenergy plant has the capacity to produce approximately 55,000 MWhs of electricity per year to the SaskPower electrical grid which is equivalent to the annual power requirement of over 5,000 homes. Through harnessing residual biomass heat energy, the MLTC Bioenergy Centre is part of the Government of Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan’s transition to a lower carbon future. Specifically, the residual biomass-based electrical generation is engineered to consistently produce 6.6 MWs and displace an equivalent amount of fossil carbon-derived (coal) electricity. On a national basis, the MLTC Bioenergy Centre is also the largest 100% First Nation-owned producer of renewable energy in Canada.

Green Power

The First Nations-owned Meadow Lake Tribal Council Bioenergy Centre generates carbon-neutral green power using sawmill biomass residuals.

Powering Homes

The Bioenergy Centre is the first plant of its kind in Saskatchewan and produces 6.6 megawatts of carbon-neutral baseload electricity to power approximately 5,000 homes.

Supporting the Community

Revenues from the plant support essential programs and services including child and family services, education, and health and youth development for the nine member-First Nations comprising the Meadow Lake Tribal Council.

Protecting the Environment

Over the course of the 25 year lifespan of the project, the Bioenergy Centre is expected to decrease greenhouse gas emissions by more than 1 million tonnes, completely eliminate particulate emissions and generally improve environmental outcomes for local area residents. Importantly, this bioenergy project fulfills a sustainability pledge by the MLTC First Nations of showing deep respect for nature by making as full use as possible of the entire harvested tree that provides essential economic and employment sustenance.